Laser Genesis


What does Laser Genesis help with?

Life throws so much at our skin - pollution, sun exposure, gravity, aging, and more. Our clients love fighting back with Laser Genesis. Laser Genesis is a great option for those wanting to get rid of fine lines/wrinkles, acne/acne scarring, and uneven skin texture. Here at our spa, we love our excel® V+ Laser by Cutera. This laser really can do it all! From pigmented to vascular lesions, blemishes don’t stand a chance.

How does Laser Genesis work?

Our excel® V+ Laser by Cutera has the power and precision to stimulate collagen (aka the magic “fresh bouncy skin” molecule) production in the deeper layers of your skin.

What does a Laser Genesis treatment feel like?

Because the laser is warming your skin cells at this deeper level, that means so many good things for you - little to no discomfort, no red skin or blisters after treatment, and no downtime.

Art of Aesthetics Med Spa BONUS: Our excel® V+ Laser by Cutera has a Smart cooling system that cools your upper layer of skin before, during AND after each warming pulse the laser sends. This means that those deeper layers of skin are getting the heat and stimulation they need to increase collagen production, all while keeping you cool, calm and comfortable.