PDO Threads

Photo Courtesy of PDO MAX

No surgery, just results…

Facelifts are a great option for some but most of us don’t want to have to deal with the cost, downtime and ordeal that is having surgery. How do you fight sagging wrinkling skin WITHOUT surgery? Our answer:

PDO Max Threads

Science and medicine have come together to give you some absolutely amazing technology. PDO Max Threads makes fine needles that are pre-loaded with a PDO thread. These needles are simply inserted into the deeper layers of your skin (parallel to the surface of the skin) and then the needle is removed and left is the miracle PDO thread!

What can PDO Max Threads do?

Using these PDO Max Threads, we are able to give your skin the support structure it needs! This means we are able to lift, yes, LIFT your skin!

Will this do more than lift my skin?

YES! Once the threads have been placed, you get to sit back, relax and let them work their magic! Of course you will immediately be able to see tighter more youthful skin but as you go about your normal routine, these threads are working in the deep layers of your skin to continuously stimulate your body’s natural collagen production.

Where do the threads go?

We love these these threads because they are made out of 100% absorbable material. This means that no scar tissue forms and when your body has used them all up, they will simply dissolve! So no need for another trip in to get them removed!


Join us, behind the scenes, as we turn back time with PDO Threads!